Sister Suzy gave us pedometers for Christmas and so far I have kept up with at least 10,000 steps a day -- see the meter to the right. This has involved some commitment and some ingenuity and it's definitely helped that we've been on vacation. Tomorrow, back to work.
Today's ingenuity took the form of exploring some space alongside the Chattahoochee River near the Bull Sluice Lake. I had seen the area on google maps and it looked big so researched a bit this morning. It is big -- 385 acres with more than 7 miles of trails. So, after picking up my new iPhone (thank you, Alan!) at Perimeter Mall, we headed over. It was a great find -- beautiful woods and lots of round to cover. We covered more than we might have since about a mile in, we discovered someone's cell phone and keys in the leaves by the side of the trail. It looked like they had taken a spill and accidentally lost the contents of their pockets. We picked it up, figuring that they might call, which they did, necessitating a trip back to the parking lot where we transferred the property back to a sheepish teenager. It was a bit odd, picking up the phone call and asking "Um, is this your phone?" Truly, he was lucky -- a few feet further and his things would have been floating in the Hooch.
Definitely, we will be back.
Tonight we're trying out some of Alan's Christmas presents -- maple planked salmon and his new super grill mitts. Guaranteed to save the hands and also black and washable. Unfortunately, my yellow William and Sonoma mitts will never be the same but at least I can now replace them!
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