Sunday, April 25, 2010

Garden Update

All the tomatoes but one in as of this weekend. Brussel sprouts moved to the compost pile after not performing and starting to get eaten by what I suspect are the same green wormies that ate the collards last year.

I planted the cuke that Thomas grew from seed and also one zucchini. We'll see if Alan can stand them fresh from the garden.

I am excited about some new varieties of tomato planted this year, including something called a Park's Whopper that promises big, meaty 4" fruit. That one's out front with some Greek columnar oregano. The celebrity is the last one to plant. I may pull the swiss chard and do it in there. The chard never really grew and neither did the spinach, despite both wintering over.

Also repotted three hibiscus that were on sale at Pike's. They're really beautiful, two red and one a beautiful peach color.

I also planted the coneflower I'd gotten two weeks ago at Habersham. We'll see if it lives -- nothing else has in that location.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

First tomatoes are in

Got the first tomatoes in tonight. Four that I purchased from the Emory Farmer's Market a couple of weeks ago.

In order, they are:

Burpee Supersteak in Pike's container soil (10-8-4)
Beefmaster in Fafard Organic Potting Mix (10-5-4)
Juliette in Fafard complete container mix (18-6-12)
Grapette in Fafard complete container mix

Probably too much nitrogen in the Fafard container -- didn't look at that prior to planting.

One more Celebrity to plant and then I'm sure there will be other tasty items making their way here. I can't see that peppers are worth it as they rarely produce much. I have some brussel sprouts in but I doubt they produce anything as it's starting to get warm. Some of the lettuce is going like gangbusters -- under Alan's office -- if it gets going, we should at least get one crop.