Two years ago, on a lovely summer afternoon, we made our way over to Pittsburg, NH to climb Mt. Magalloway. We knew little about the climb, other than there were two trails to the top. One was named Coot, the other Bobcat. On that fine summer day, we started up the nearest trail to the car. So, we discovered The Coot. After a brief leisurely stroll past the historic Magalloway cabin and some lovely mountain flank maple grove, the Coot veers sharply vertical. And it doesn't stop. The charms of clawing your way up a trailbed that clearly doubles as a streambed for mountain waterfalls loses its charms quickly. Very quickly.
Today, we chose the Bobcat. Ascending through the same maple grove, the trail quietly kept the same unforgiving ascent as the Coot, albeit in a more scenic manner. Where before, the unrelenting gravel footpath emphasized the painful challenge that lay ahead of every bend, the Bobcat was no less vertical but much more seductive with numerous false summits, and wonderful ridgeline views to accompany its New Hampshire certified "shitkicker" pitch.
The summit, however, was worth it. We had a nice picnic lunch, featuring grinders from Young's, apples from our picking expedition, and cheese from Canada, at the top. Then down, admiring the mountain's immense flank.
Back at Camp, we took advantage of the last 45 minutes of light to cast down at the ponds. Alan started on the lower pond and hooked a rainbow but it evaded landing. Carole got two nice brookies out of the upper pond -- a 10" female and a huge 14" male. They both looked to be native and ready to spawn....maybe native brookies in our own pond next year?
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