This weekend we said goodbye to the 07-08 Thrashers and went to our first (and likely only) Braves game of the season. It was the first time we had been downtown since the tornado that struck on March 15. The destruction was still obvious, with many windows still out in the Westin, CNN Omni, Georgia Pacific, etc. The Tabernacle is covered with a blue tarp and looks to need some major help. Small pieces of glass were everywhere. What a mess.
The Thrashers pulled out a 4-1 win to end this horrible season. Ilya Kovalchuk was named MVP, which he was, and the crowd pulled a nice chant of "Kovy, Kovy" for the first time that I've heard. Time for playoff hockey. Just not, unfortunately, for the Thrashers.
Sunday we headed down to Turner Field with our friends Merry and Ann. Holder Construction, who is building our Psychology Building, had called last week and offered tickets to the game. I am not a baseball fan and almost said "no" but thought that Alan might like it, so said "yes." On Friday, Brad from Holder brought the tickets by and called me twice to make sure I understand all the directions, etc. I was frankly a little puzzled. I mean, I knew where Turner Field was and figured out that we could manage to get ourselves in the stadium with no problem.
Only when I got home that night did I open the envelope with the tickets to see that they were for the new Suntrust Club. Row A, seats 6-9. Wooha. What a trip. We drove up to the stadium, showing our parking pass as we passed barrier after barrier, cruised up to the door, handed our car keys to the attendant and headed inside. In the club lounge, there was a full bar, an omelet station, crab cakes, and tapas. All very tasty. And the view from the seats was just ridiculous. We even had flat panel displays in front of us so we could see the TV coverage and attendants fetching drinks and food.
Thank you, Holder!
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