Today dawned gray and rainy and we decided to hunker down for dinner to have a prototypical Swiss meal, fondue! Ferdi and Suzi had a fondue pot so we were in luck. Hot cheese, crusty bread, a big green salad -- we're in! If we were truly Swiss, we would add boiled potatoes to the meal but thankfully we are not, as I've had more potatoes in the last week than I usually do in a month. We did cheat a bit and got the prepackaged cheese mix from the refrigerator section (versus compiling the cheese blend ourselves) but it's going to bubble over a flame and the label is in German, so that's got to be authentic, right?
Along about 5:45 the light was dwindling and my legs were itching for a walk, so despite the rain, I headed out on my favorite walk. Up the hill, over the fields, and down to Oberwil, then back home. There were brussel sprouts growing in the fields and sheep still on a plot of land that I understand will eventually become housing.... I hope they save some of the open, historic space.
The evening was beautiful in spite of, or, because of, the rain: the air was moist and soft, with low gravid clouds hanging over the lake, and the soft lights of Rotkreuz in the distance. The fog was creeping down the flanks of the Zugerberg (it will enclose the house by early am).
No camera taken because of the rain, so we'll have to make due with shots from last time.
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