Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A week of firsts

It's been a week of firsts -- mostly for Dinah but also for us. Since arriving Friday afternoon, D has had her first swim (did fine), her first kayak ride (ditto), and today her first speedboat ride in the Boston Whaler (mine, too). Also today she jumped off the dock to swim out to us of her own accord! This from lady who didn't want to dip her toes in the water on Friday. Big steps for the little dachshund that could.

And now D is exploring another first -- cleaning off the top of the picnic table from lunch. She has taken to being tied up in the front yard with great enjoyment and runs about chasing balls and exploring. Well on her way to being a country dog. We knew she had it in her. I've also found some dachshund raincoats and parkas from a company called Noodle that look promising to help her acclimate. One thing she doesn't appreciate about the north country are the omnipresent flies who have bitten up her belly. They have focused on my feet but I share her sentiments.

In addition to sleeping nine hours a night, I've had a nap each day and it's beginning to have its effect. The nightmare of the past month is beginning to recede. Alan and Anil went to Chambly on Sunday to have lunch at the Unibroue restaurant (another first), which is almost as far as Montreal, so that was quite a drive. And then yesterday Alan took Anil to the Manchester airport and that was an all day affair as well. As a result, this is his first nap day. The lake is lapping so likely tomorrow will be an inside day; glad we took advantage of today's sun for a swim and a boat ride.

Lake still quite high and they aren't releasing any more water. We need it to go down another two inches to have a beach. More rain will take us the other way. But the lake is warming, definitely. Sometimes you take what mother nature gives you. :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yippee! Glad to be able to read of your arrival and to hear that the woofer is adjusting well to camp life. When you get there you have to post photos of your house, ok? I am glad you're resting, recovering, and perhaps for a short while not rushing your head off, Carole! xoxL