Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Educause 2008: IT Governance

The Real World of IT Governance: Culture, Politics, People and Transformation
Michael Ridley, CIO and Chief Librarian, Univ of Guelph

If we are in period of transformation – can’t attempt to connect dots to past; on the other hand, you cannot ignore the past

“Culture eats strategy for lunch every day of the week.” – Elson Floyd

Guelph iCampus = IT strategic plan (one community, many neighborhoods)

{This is a good ppt}

Money, resources at forefront; aligned with strategic goals; governance about using scarce resources

End of day -- yes to some, no to others

ITSIG (key consultative group)
-- frontline folks not in central IT but provided lots of direct IT support
--monthly meetings to communicate, informal, felt disenfranchised
-- if you organize, we will give you designated positions within the governance discussion
-- formed a steering committee, elected executives, dev processes
--key to connect these folks in
--with their collaboration, we can drive innovation
--semi-controlled chaos

Office of Portfolio Mgmt
--not trying to set up a PMO
--community would see as a control grab
--initially focus on "what" -- what's going on, what are the resources
--facilitator, not gatekeeper; this office doesn't say yes/no to projects
--manage the decision process; mechanisms glue policies and processes together

Governance landscape:
-- control
-- What's In It For Me
-- Communication
-- Relationships (down as much as up, incl student groups and alumni)
-- Leadership at exec level but also from central IT
-- Vision (quickly and easily articulate what you want out of IT governance)

How does research computing fit into governance model (something they haven't done well)
--need to maintain relationships with researchers, articulate the value of cyberinfrastructure
--challenge of letting researchers have a genuine place at the table

Trying to:
-- focus on art of the possible
-- vision carrot and policy stick
-- mutual self interest

Vision first; people second; process third

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